Hi all, at May River Community, we know there’s nothing more unstoppable than when people come together.
This group’s mission is to create a global community of diverse individuals who will support, challenge, and inspire one another by providing a platform for networking, mentorship, and career development.
We encourage you to share your knowledge, ask questions, participate in discussions and become an integral part of our community. Together we can become better community leaders and provide our members with a much better experience.
My name is Carol and I will be your group admin/manager. If you have feedback, questions, or would like to get more involved, email mayriveralumni@gmail.com Members of this group can comment publicly & privately on posts, public comments may be emailed to the entire group at the discretion of the original sender.
Share your thoughts. Feel free to add GIFs, videos, hashtags and more to your posts and comments. Get started by commenting below.