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May River Primary School
Founded in 1900, the May River Primary school is situated in a remote area of South East St. Mary in the community of Enfield. The school is built on an "almost" islet between two rivers (Front River & Back River), which join/meet below the school. May River Primary (once an all-age school) has been the foundation for students from different communities, some as far away as six or more miles. Students would trod to school five days per week without complaining, from communities such as, but not limited to, the home town of May River, Long Road, Com See, Murray Ridge, Hope Hill, May Hill, Forty One, Enfield, Timsberry and much more.
Behind every young child that believes in him/herself is a parent, a teacher and a community who believed first. It is with this in mind that The May River Primary School Family adopted the mantra, "Every child MUST learn."
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